Whiskas Purrfectly Fish Tuna Entree in Natural Juices Food for Cats, 3-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 24)
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Whiskas Purrfectly Fish Tuna Entree in Natural Juices Food for Cats is made with flaked tuna and prepared in natural juices. The special flavor lock pouch seals in the natural juices so the food stays fresh and delicious.
Customer review:
My cat is 15 years old, and has NEVER liked a kitty treat in her life - the only non-dry cat food she would ever eat was REAL tuna fish juice, drained from the can (and never mind the tuna). She has also had what I affectionately call a "tender tummy", meaning that every few weeks, since she was a kitten, she has had vomiting episodes that last a day or so and then disappear again. No explanation. Basically, I've just had to find cat food for her that matches the carpet on the way back up. Ew.
About a year ago, she stopped eating all together, and I was worried that she and I had reached the end of her long life. In actuality, she had just decided she no longer liked the IAMS senior she had eaten for 10 years, was going on a hunger strike that put her in the ER Vet with failing kidneys due to dehydration.
Enter Wiskas Purrfectly Fish Tuna (in the pack of ten, with the sardines and Whitefish/tuna mix). She instantly started eating again, and her health returned in a matter of days. AND, no more random vomiting!! She even deigns to eat dry cat food once a day to supplement the moist stuff - I'm using IAMS young adult (orange bag), and have had no problems there either.
She has her preferences with the Wiskas, don't be deceived. She will ONLY eat the purrfectly fish, NOT any other flavor, and really doesn't prefer the sardines (neither do I). The tuna entree with the whitefish is often only halfway eaten, but the tuna entree alone is always finished, which is why I was so happy to see it for sale here by itself.
One complaint, though. My kitchen now smells like dead fish. But, to save my carpets, her health, and my sanity, I'll sacrifice a little smell.
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